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Rep. Jamie Raskin: Trump's First Return to Capitol Hill Since Jan. 6 Cements His GOP "Stranglehold"

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Former President Donald Trump returned to the U.S. Capitol last week for the first time since the January 6 insurrection in 2021, where he met with Republican lawmakers including House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and reportedly discussed how to quash his 34 felony convictions stemming from his New York fraud case, as well as how to punish prosecutors involved in the various cases against him. “His return to Capitol Hill showed that he has cemented his political stranglehold over the Republican Party,” says Democratic Congressmember Jamie Raskin of Maryland. “While they are attacking the rule of law … they’re doing everything they can to compromise the judiciary and to destroy the rule of law in our country.”

Full article on the Democracy Now website at

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